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Health health wine

time:2012-8-31 Num.:T|T

Many people know the sake is Japanese wine, but wine and Japanese culture originated from china.

The sake of the earliest records in the Zhou Dai code. Such as " book of Rites " records: the wine is mastering the official ceremony, resolution three wine, said a thing of wine, two days of wine, three Japanese sake. Show in King Zhou Dai's court is responsible for about wine etiquette officials, and according to the quality of the wine and uses clear will be divided into three categories. Among them, it is for the worship of a wine brewing wine, liquor is in inferior; of wine after wine after storage, belonging to the products; wine is the palace and high officials and noble lords drinking wine, brewing a long period of time, belonging to the wine in the top grade. " The book of songs " has Zhou Tianzi to high-quality wine gods ancestral records.

Sake in 2500 accompanied by farming technology and ceramic production technology - from China to Japan, while Japan is in nomadic to agriculture during the period of social transition.

Wine is made of glutinous rice and rice as the main raw materials, saccharification and fermentation by yeast and yeast, and the filtration separation after brewing liquor Wei and cooking for 18 degrees, starting with Zhou Dai, after 2000 years of evolution, Sino-Japanese two countries because the national condition, culture, customs, habits and other aspects of the differences, led to the emergence of two different flavors of wine.

China and Japan are the differences can be simple " heavy " and " light " phase difference. Such as Chinese love peony, a symbol of wealth in the limelight; while the Japanese like cherry, in summer, more elegant, it may also be the cause of both countries in the diet on the light, heavy taste differences were particularly pronounced for one of the reasons for it. As the Chinese heavy salty, spicy, sweet, hemp, oil, fresh, and overall preference of Japanese light, very rare heavy cooking oil. Also in drinking values also form a big difference, Chinese believe that wine is good wine and Chen, Chen Mian; while the Japanese still think to fresh wine, no aging flavor.

Because of these differences, sake since Zhou Dai started in China gradually evolved into today's popular in the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai wine, its color, flavor, taste heavy thick, three years, five years, eight years of alcohol etc.. While Zhou Dai has Japanese sake has gradually formed its own characteristics, its color is light or even colorless, taste light and monotonous, shelf-life period of one year up to three years, emphasizing the " fresh ".

Sake for thousands of years history, mainly due to often drink wine is good for health. Wine is rich in amino acids and peptides, making the wine selection of raw materials of rice protein by microbial fermentation, decomposition into amino acids and peptides, they do not need to pass through the digestive and can be directly absorbed by the body, contributed to the rapid recovery of the function of the human body. Wine contained oligosaccharides bifidus factor is excellent, can strengthen the gut in double

Disambiguation of Bacillus probiotic propagation, inhibition of spoilage microorganisms, thereby improving the intestinal microenvironment, the recovery of intestinal function in young state. Sake of part of inorganic minerals from amino acid substances such as Ao synthetic organic minerals, helps the body absorb. Low alcohol does not damage the cells and tissues, a small amount of alcohol is absorbed, can promote blood circulation, accelerate the blood flow velocity in capillaries, in favor of metabolite excretion and absorption of nutrients. Wine is rich withγ - amino acid is lowering blood pressure, lowering blood lipid, activation of brain nerve cell function material.

This article from the Kinmen kaoliang liquor, reprint please retain this information address: www.jinmenjiuye.com